Production of the Ukrainian sunflower grows: it is +15% in this season

In the current season of 2017-18 in Ukraine, all actions for cleaning of oil-bearing crops are completed. According to information of the Ministry of Agriculture, the level of sunflower production is 11,5 million tons, a more than 15% increase over the period of 2016-17.

The production of soy has decreased by 12% and now it is estimated at 3,8 million tons. The extraction of rape continues to develop actively in Ukraine, a considerable gain of production shows it: almost 83% (2,2 million tons).

The production of vegetable oils has grown a little in comparison with the last season. Thanks to the production of 6 million tons of sunflower oil, Ukraine has kept world leadership in its export. There were made 164 thousand tons of soy oil, and 60 thousand tons of rape oil.

One of the reasons of growth is the use of the crop residue of 2016. Despite of the fact that Ukraine produces nearly a third part of world quantity of sunflower, for export only 200 thousand tons leave. Almost all production is on sale in the domestic market. The main importing countries of the Ukrainian oil are Turkey, France, Portugal and Spain.

The popularity of cultivation of the sunflower is explained by his demand on the world market and high liquidity.

10:55 Kyiv
Mon-Fr 9:00-18:00