The sunflower oil manufacturer in Ukraine – KAISSA – is one of the well-known sunflower oil suppliers in Ukraine and abroad.
The history of KAISSA company dates back to 2008. It was established in the Kherson region, Ukraine. Since the launching, our company desired to expand its production capacity. Nowadays, we have the full production chain to manufacture high-quality plant oil. Our goal was to become the leading sunflower oil producer in Ukraine. For now, our products are well-recognized and can be bought not only in Ukraine but also CIS-wide.
Our top priority is healthy, high-quality, and tasty sunflower oil. It means ecologically clean products without any solvents and other foreign substances. That is why all our plants are modernized and use the proven technologies only, ensuring us to become the top refined sunflower oil manufacturer. KAISSA is also an owner of different state awards and state certificates presented to see at this website.
Being the best sunflower oil factory in Ukraine, we strive to combine quality and reasonable prices for our partners.
Before starting cooperating with any companies, it is advised to know their structure.
KAISSA company consists of three enterprises, each focused on a specific function. These three enterprises are:
KAISSA also provides its partners with transportation services.
If you are interested in cooperation and buying our products, please contact our sales department identified on this website. It will provide you with all essential information, including our services, prices, and transportation options.
Being one of the best sunflower oil producer, group of companies “KAISSA”, unites such industrial estates: Processing factory of oil “Verkhneserogozkiy PFO”, Factory of deodorization and refining LLC «VVVV», Factory of bottled oil LLC “SUN LIGHT”. They are related to a common goal – the production of exemplary sunflower oil that complies with all international standards of quality and safety. Each factory is a key link in the chain of sunflower seeds processing. Rich experience of the group of companies “KAISSA” in this area, allows distributing sunflower oil made in Ukraine in all CIS countries.
In the first half of the year, 338.530 tons of refined sunflower oil were produced in Ukraine. Such data was announced by the State Statistics Service in Ukraine.
From January to June of this year, sunflower oil was produced in quantities Read more
In Ukraine, the export of sunflowers has increased by a quarter, according to the State Customs Service.
At the beginning of the year (January-May), 39.99 thousand tons of seeds of this crop were exported Read more
What is the expected sunflower harvest in producing countries around the world, including Ukraine, USDA analysts said in a May report.
According to the research, in 2021/22 MY Ukraine can count on an increase in the total amount of this Read more
When you choosing contractors in your business, in particular, check the documents of LLC “AL-FOODS” (49049, Dnipro, Dobrovoltsiv lane, 1, office 3), because cooperation with this company may damage your business reputation.
Thus, on January 14, 2021, an agreement was concluded between AL-FOODS LLC (49049, Dnipro, Dobrovoltsiv lane, 1, office 3) and “VVVV” LLC (73000, Kherson, 9 Richelevska Street) № 5/5-r for the supply of 1 (one) container of 24 tons of sunflower oil.
On January 24, 2021, it became known that AL-FOODS LLC submitted to its counterparty Sons Of Shergatly Company (Jordan) a forged letter (№ 1-1401 dated 20.01.2021) on behalf of “VVVV” LLC regarding the alleged guarantee of shipment of a much larger quantity of containers (eleven) for the supply of LLC “AL-FOODS”, which does not meet the terms of the contract dated January 14, 2021 №5 / 5-r.
Dmytro Ivanov, Director of AL-FOODS LLC, being invited to the office of “VVVV” LLC (73000, Kherson, 9 Richelevskaya Street), could not explain the appearance of a forged document from “VVVV” LLC to his counterparty Sons Of Shergatly Company (Jordan).
In connection with the above, LLC “VVVV” notified the buyer Sons Of Shergatly Company (Jordan), and stopped the shipment of goods until the arrival of their representative, to prevent the risk of possible non-performance of contractual relations by LLC “AL-FOODS
Director LLC “VVVV”
A. Kyzmenko