The increase in a harvest of oil-bearing crops by 10% is noted in Kazakhstan

Our colleagues from Almaty region share results of 2017.

The general territories of sowing of oil-bearing crops have increased by 11%. For this period over 300 thousand tons totally have been produced from which 1,3% have been sent to external markets.

The Department of Agriculture of Kazakhstan announces that in 2018 it is planned to increase sown areas by 7%. First of all, it is connected with the growing demand for oil-bearing crops.

The state tries various means to support the producers of agricultural production. Though the Kazakh level of subsidizing of agro-industrial complex considerably concedes Russian or Belarusian, the management invests huge amounts of money in the purchase of the new equipment, the modernization of technologies, the payment of work of the scientific agrarian organizations.

It is worth noting that production of oil-bearing crops in Kazakhstan is entered in the list of priority. Since 2012 the total amount of sown areas has grown twice. If in 2007 there were sowed 0,7 million hectares, in 2017 this indicator has grown to 2,4 million hectares.

According to forecasts, if the increase of production goes with the same speed, then by 2021 the export of vegetable oils from Kazakhstan can reach 400 thousand tons. But now the volume of capacities for the processing of oil-bearing crops in the Republic is estimated at only 1,4 million tons.

03:47 Kyiv
Mon-Fr 9:00-18:00