Unusual using of sunflower oil

Nowadays we have a great variety of tasty, rich and useful sunflower oil on the supermarkets’ shelves. Women use this oil not only for cooking but also find some extraordinary ways to use it. The tiny, transparent drop of this product hides a lot of secrets: the substance received from the oilseeds, as a wizard, will help the modern housewives in the different situations, sometimes even unexpected ones.​

For your health support

  • A teaspoon of oil before a breakfast will solve a delicate problem with constipation and fix gastrointestinal tract’s functioning.
  • The product is used for gargling. It makes the vocal folds softer and will prepare them for public speaking or ease the itchy throat.
  •  If you are suffering from the snoring just take a teaspoon of sunflower oil before going to bed and have a good sleep.

For woman’s beauty

  1. Solution for makeup removing. A sensitive skin under eyes needs a delicate cleaning: 2-3 drops of sunflower oil can remove even the best waterproof mascara, eyeliner and shadows. If a skin is fatty after oil using, you may clean it up with a cotton pad or paper tissue.
  2. When fighting with dry hair tips. To animate overdried hair just warm up a little bit 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and apply it on the tips of hair and keep for two hours. After the procedure, just wash up the hair with a shampoo then use a balsam, wash off and dry out without a hairdryer.
  3. Skin moisturizing. After a bath or a shower taking, spoil yourself with relaxing and useful treatment, apply to your skin a few drops of oil. Also, you can apply it to your face, sunflower oil doesn’t cork pores and has an amazing effect of moisturizing.
  4. For bath taking. To moisturizing the skin you may add 3-4 tbsp to your bath. Just don’t forget to wash up a bath to remove oil fat.

For housekeeping

  1. Natural polish for wooden furniture. If you need your furniture surface glossy and want to prevent its covering with a dust, you may prepare a handmade polish based on sunflower oil. So, to do it, take a lemon juice and sunflower oil, a teaspoon of each one and mix, then dust a piece of furniture.
  2. Against the door creak. The sunflower oil will help you get rid of the door creak. If you smear the door’s butt you will forget about the noisy sounds at once. Just wait 1-2 minutes and try to open the door,  and you will hear no sounds.
  3. To remove the paint. If you muck the hands while painting something, just rub your hands with oil adding a pinch of salt or sugar. The oil will gently remove the dabs, and your skin will be soft and elastic again.
  4. To take care of the leather footwear. The oil is an excellent material to use if you want to make your shoes, boots, or any kind of footwear shine. Do not doubt to take an oil instead of shoe polish. Sunflower oil keeps your footwear safety in a frosty weather and prevents it from cracking.
  5. For deleting stickers and labels from kitchenware. In case you want to delete some stickers from the bottom of the plates, cups or any other kitchen stuff it is not necessary to scrape it wasting your time. The best way is to put a few drops of sunflower oil on that label and in 1-2 minutes the sticker can be easily removed.

Such range of sunflower oil using become possible and more efficient if you use Ukrainian brand Kaissa Oil. With its help, you cook a fantastic dishes, fortify your health, become most beautiful and keep the house clean.

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