Monthly Archives: July 2017

How to harvest sunflower seed for large-scale production

How to harvest sunflower seed for large-scale production

Published: 21.07.2017 в 16:12

How the sunflower seeds harvest passes Modern technologies of sunflower harvest allow cropping output yield with high quality under any weather...

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How the sunflower oil have appeared: history of production

How the sunflower oil have appeared: history of production

Published: 14.07.2017 в 11:05

The product  with a centuries history Nowadays this is impossible to image a kitchen without a sunflower oil. But who was the first in receiving this amber product, who start cultivating a...

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Producing of sunflower oil

Producing of sunflower oil

Published: 07.07.2017 в 15:15

In this article you will read about sunflower oil producing and what is the difference between refined and unrefined...

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