Monthly Archives: June 2017

Ukraine has record totals of vegetable oil export

Ukraine has record totals of vegetable oil export

Published: 30.06.2017 в 15:47

During the current season 2016-2017 our country realizes for export nearly 6 million ton of sunflower oil that is more than 15% higher than an indicator of last reporting period. The process of sales of oil products is actively carried out throughout all...

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The capacity of production of sunflower oil increased by 30%

The capacity of production of sunflower oil increased by 30%

Published: 23.06.2017 в 15:08

The volume of production of sunflower oil increased by a quarter From January to April 2017 Ukraine have produced 1,9 million ton of vegetable oil. According to the website of State statistics service of...

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The process of making sunflower oil

The process of making sunflower oil

Published: 16.06.2017 в 17:58

The process of making sunflower oil How is sunflower oil made before this gold and tasty gift of nature is on our dinner table? The technology of its manufacturing depends on what kind of oil do you want to...

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