Monthly Archives: November 2017

The export of Ukrainian food products grew by 25%

The export of Ukrainian food products grew by 25%

Published: 28.11.2017 в 09:00

A large importer is the countries of Asia. On the second and third place – the EU countries and...

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Ukraine buys more and more agricultural products

Ukraine buys more and more agricultural products

Published: 21.11.2017 в 09:00

In the first three seasons, the price of food imports totaled 3,200,000,000 dollars. Such figures were announced by Nikolai Pugachev from the National Research Center “Institute of Agrarian...

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Features of the national oil and fat industry

Features of the national oil and fat industry

Published: 14.11.2017 в 09:00

Pernnel Bugaard, head of Food & Agri Europe, ING Bank, noted that Ukrainian companies show a positive trend towards increasing capacities for the production and processing of sunflower...

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Sunflower oil can compete with olive oil

Sunflower oil can compete with olive oil

Published: 08.11.2017 в 09:00

Domestic agronomists grow only an environmentally friendly product. Sunflower seeds grown in Ukraine are the ideal raw material for the production of top quality...

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More than 90 countries export Ukrainian oil

More than 90 countries export Ukrainian oil

Published: 01.11.2017 в 09:00

Only 20% of domestic oil is sold on the domestic market. The remaining 80% are sold abroad, bringing the country a big profit every...

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